Piano accompanist of the masterclass
Robert Pöch piano accompanist, a native of Graz, studied violin (Christos Polyzoides) and conducting (Milan Horvat). In 1987 he graduated with diploma in violin with distinction. Mr. Pöch was a multiple prize winner of the “Jugend musiziert” prize. He played on various concerts at home and abroad as violinist and piano accompanist, most recently in Taiwan. Pöch studied valuable pianistic impulses from Gerhard Zeller and Walther Neumann.
Since 1991 he has been employed as a répétiteur at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. He accompanies again and again on courses and competitions, most recently at the International Suzuki Days 2007 in Hof/Bavaria as well as at the ikmT Raumberg.
© Internationale Kammermusik & Meisterkurs Tage
Kulturreferat der Marktgemeinde Irdning-Donnersbachtal, Martina Schaffer
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal, Trautenfelserstraße 200
Tel: 03682/224 20-25
Mail: martina.schaffer@irdning.at